Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Black Ops 2 Rumors!

The rumored game is now confirmed As expected, the next installment of the CoD series will still be for Xbox 360 and PS3, and is supposed to be released on November 11th, 2012. The next game in the CoD series is confirmed to be called Black Ops 2, which may be a risky call on Infinity Ward's behalf. Infinity Ward doesn't seem to have released any information on Black Ops 2, but these photos definitely hint that they have something planned. Supposedly a teaser for Black Ops 2 will be shown at the NBA Playoffs. All this hype for a game is probably worth it, because if Black Ops 2 can go above and beyond MW3, I'm sold!  

Need a New Look for Your iPhone, with Protection in Mind?

The Stealth Armor Full Body Kit is a thin, sleek way to protect your iPhone, without the bulk of a case. Skins have been known to be not very protective, but cool looking. Well not with Stealth Armor! Their skins look good, and not only that, they are super protective! 
The Stealth Armor Full Body Kit comes in a myriad of different colors and styles. The Kit will come with a skin in segments, and when applied can be heated for 3-5 seconds under a hair dryer, which will activate a bonding agen that will stick it even more to your iPhone. 
The installation for the side and back is incredibly easy, allthough for some reason, the side started to peel off at the top, so I pressed it down again, and that seemed to fix it (for now at least). The back and side turned out amazing, and I have to say, job well done on their behalf.

It costs just $1.36 to charge an iPad for a year!

Fully charging your iPad every other day for a year will cost you $1.36! It is amazing how this device can do so much for 1000s of hours and still cost you $1.36 annually to charge. Keep in mind that charging your P.C. would cost you $28.21 a year while a bulb would cost $1.61 to light a year! Its just mind-blowing how you can charge a device that can surf the internet, access email, and become your gaming console for a year, at a cheaper rate than lighting a bulb!